Daily Bulletin
Palmyra Area Senior High School Bulletin for Sunday, February 16, 2025
Today, we honor Maya Angelou, an acclaimed poet, author, and civil rights activist. Angelou's autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is a powerful story of overcoming hardship and finding strength in oneself. Her poetry, such as "Still I Rise," continues to inspire people all over the world. Let's be inspired by her resilience and let our voices rise up for justice.
Want to stay overnight at Mini-THON? You must have a student registration packet filled out by FRIDAY, MARCH 14TH! Registration packets can be found outside of Miss Stossel's room (room 110), outside of the office on the table, and next to the Mini-THON bulletin board in the atrium. Again, packets must be filled out and turned in to Miss Stossel by FRIDAY, MARCH 14TH in order to stay overnight and to get a t-shirt with your specific grade! Students who do not turn in this packet will have to leave Mini-THON by 10:00pm and again will not be able to stay overnight. If you have any questions, please reach out to Miss Stossel or Mr. Showalter.
ANY STUDENT interested in trying out for a Spring Sport must have a physical packet or a recertification form completed and uploaded into Rank One by Feb. 26th. Physical packets and recert forms can be found on the athletic website or outside the athletic office on the bulletin board. Any questions please stop in at the athletic office.
FREE SPORTS PHYSICALS for Spring athletes are being offered by Orthopedic Associates at their Lebanon office on Cornwall Road on Monday February 24th from 5:30-7:30 in the evening. You must call to schedule an appointment. Please see flyers hanging up around the Atrium and on the athletic bulletin board for more information.
Good Morning, Today is Tuesday, February 18th, Day 5
Please rise for the Pledge to the Flag: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.